Today the 69 jewel-like globular clusters that Harlow Shapley mapped to discover the shape of our Galaxy still yield new science and delight.
Astronomy Now Article on Shapley and Hubble
Hispanic Heritage: Harvard and the "Awakening” of Mexican Astronomy
Shapley Project Updates
Who Really Won the 'Great Debate'?
Drawing on one of the most famous debates in scientific history, Deborah Shapley poses the question whether head-to-head conflict is a model that benefits science. She offers a wider version of the story of her grandfather Harlow Shapley’s loss after 1920 debate with Heber Curtis, at which Shapley argued “island universes” were located inside our Milky Way Galaxy. But in the 1920s when Edwin Hubble sent him evidence these “nebulae” were way beyond our galaxy, Shapley pivoted to the view he had opposed. For decades afterward, Shapley pushed scientific work on galaxy distribution and spread public knowledge of this unfolding universe.
Bang! Goes The Universe: Martha Shapley - Mount Wilson Astronomer
Martha Betz Shapley (1890 - 1981) was the wife of Harlow Shapley (1885 - 1972). Deborah Shapley, a granddaughter of Martha and Harlow, recently spoke with Ron Voller on his podcast Bang! Goes the Universe.
Lecture: Shapley’s Legacies After Mount Wilson
Martha Shapley - Astronomer
Martha Betz Shapley was known as First Lady of the Harvard College Observatory during the 32 years her husband Harlow was its Director. “The friendship and hospitality she extended to members of the Harvard astronomical family…was one of the highest experiences of my younger days,” wrote Leo Goldberg on her death in 1981.
Close-up: Life with the Director
Preface: Why this Book Matters
“I would often look out my window on the top floor and see two or four at play with the rubber ring on the deck tennis court next to the woods. Bart Bok, Fred Whipple, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, Martin Schwartzschild, to name only a few, tried their skill at this game.”